Our values

As twp Berlin, we consider our work in the field of public affairs to be part of the broader political and societal dialogue and will engage in discussions on related matters beyond the work for our clients. We are committed to the idea of a pluralistic society, implying that optimal outcomes can only be achieved by policymakers if all arguments are being heard.

We carry out our work on behalf of our clients in full respect of the positions of others which we try to understand and to take into consideration. Also, we abstain from any misleading or counterfactual information in any of our statements both written and oral.

twp Berlin is a registered public affairs consultancy both under the German Bundestag Lobbyregister and under the EU Transparency Register.

In that context, we are bound by the respective Codes of Conduct, see bundestag.de and ec.europa.eu.

twp Berlin is not working on behalf of the interests of any of the political parties in Germany and is engaging in regular dialogue with all the political parties in the democratic spectrum.

We are committed to the concept of an Open Society and support diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our work.